Venue:Shnghai, China
Date:7-8 June 2010
Why should you attend?
It has become imperative that we implement the proper change quickly and at low cost. We can no longer take years to see the results of a change effort. This programme will show you how to identify the right change to make, what methods can be used to implement this change and how to overcome obstacles present in every organisation.
Turning ‘Theory’ into ‘Practice’
Delegate will leave this fun workshop with the tools, knowledge and skills to begin successful change implementation in your organisation. Delegate will see examples of methods that work and have an opportunity to practice utilising them in a safe and comfortable learning atmosphere.
Key areas to be covered in the programme and documentation
· Laying the foundation for change
· Understanding the organisational change cycle and the issues created
· Evaluating the various methods of change. Which method is best for you?
· Understanding the pros and cons and when to use each method
· Implementing change: Overcoming obstacles quickly and at low cost for fast results
· Understanding the primary risks associated with implementing change
· Applying tipping point leadership and how it can work in an organisation
· Mastering the four hurdles of Change execution
· Transforming execution into strategy with the power of fair process
TEL: +603-2723-6748