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Talent Champion: Effective Career Planning and Dev
来源:中国人力资源协会  发布日期:2011-06-22

Talent Champion: Effective Career Planning and Development

Shanghai, China

26th & 27th September 2011


In this 2-day Talent Champion: Effective Career Planning and Development training, you will be exposed to case studies of successful talent strategy in China and involved in in-depth discussion with HR guru and practitioners across industries in the following areas: Cultivating young talent to become global leaders, creating a sustainable and optimal talent culture, linking organisation’s development with talent’s individual career goals, ensuring every line managers engage in employee’s career development and planning, successful recruitment and retention of Gen Y/Post-80’s talents.


Benefits of attending:

·        Developing your Post-80’s talents to become future leaders to achieve long term business results

·        Winning the talent war through offering comprehensive and positive career growth opportunity to talents

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